ISDD has in-house experienced team of structural engineers who can produce simplified and innovative structural Designs, Value engineering proposals & structural Connection designs for all types of Civil & Structural projects. Team has good exposure to the Indian, International codes/Standards and well aware of the current engineering practices.

ISDD could also take over and support the projects from It’s Design development stage & concept connection designs and we offer detailed and coordinated connection design services to improvise the in-house detailing projects and outside projects as well with our accurate spread sheets, calculations with connection designs.

We have a team of connection design engineers for any clarifications for the entire project and missing / incomplete IFC connection design and we offer connection design services to facilitate in-house and projects from the clients with our accurate spreadsheets, calculations with connection design documents.

Type of structures:

  • Commercial Buildings
  • Power plants
  • Steel plants
  • Cement plants
  • Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals
  • Chemical plants
  • Architectural buildings

Many types based on function

  • Beam-to-Beam Connections
  • Beam-to-Column Connections
  • Column-to-Column Connections
  • Column Base Plates
  • Pocket Beam
  • Gusset plate connections (truss type, frame type,bracings, …)
  • Splices (cover plates, …)

Steel Framing Connections

             Framed Connections

  • Bolts only in web, not the flanges
  • Transmits only shear
  • Not bending moment
  • Accomplished with
  • clip angles & bolts/welds

             Moment Connections

  • Transmit shear & moment
  • Flanges must be connected
  • Bolt/Weld Flanges
  • May require column stiffeners



Beam-to-Beam Connections

Beam-to-Column Connections

Column-to-Column Connections

Column Base Plates

Pocket Beam

Gusset plate connections (truss type, frame type,bracings, …)

Splices (cover plates, …)