
ISDD offers “Ready to Use Facilities” consisting of necessary office space and infrastructure such as PCs on LAN, E-mail, communication facilities like Internet, Video conferencing connectivity to the customer's networks, etc. This allows our employees to handle various projects for our global customers with ease. The “Ready to Use Facility” enables to execute the multiple projects within a very short time frame. ISDD has installed necessary backup systems like Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems, backup computers to provide uninterrupted service to our customers.


Training & Development

ISDD has in-house technical training facilities with Projector screenings. These facilities are used for the project-specific training of our employees. Also, we have associated with the international bodies that offer the training in webinar or in-person for the special skills to our employees.

ISDD has the commitment to spreading its engineering knowledge amongst the youngsters and thus the management offers In-plant training for the students on the house.


ISDD has dedicated 100 MBPS lines for global connectivity which can be used as the communication facility for data transfer with our client locations.

ISDD has plans to set up a secure Multi-protocol Network (MPN) facility which supports TCP/IP and SNA, which would allow it to access machines connected to the MPN network. This facility allows remote login and the use of FTP services on customer designated machines if the need arises.